Thursday, October 31, 2019

Methods of Quality Improvement Statistics Project

Methods of Quality Improvement - Statistics Project Example Furthermore, the R-chart shows no points outside the upper control limit or lower control limit. Therefore, the process is under statistical control and we can say that from the perspective of process variation, the process is in control. x-bar chart measures the central tendency (accuracy) of a process and indicate whether changes have occurred. R-chart measures the variability (dispersion) of a process. R-chart indicates that a gain or loss in uniformity has occurred. R-chart is independent from process mean. x-bar chart and R-chart are used together to monitor variables in process are in control (or not). R-chart is monitored before the x-bar chart. This is because the x-bar chart limits rely on the average range and if process variability is not stable and is affected by special causes, then is not a reliable estimate of variability, and thus the x-bar chart limits are less meaningful (Moore et. al., 2011). The R-chart indicates that the process variability is in control, as all the ranges for the subgroup are in-between upper and lower control limits and there is no unusual pattern, as we move from left to right on the R-chart. However, the x-bar chart indicates that the process accuracy is not in control, as not all the means for the subgroup are in-between upper and lower control limits. Rational sub-groupings are used in constructing control charts so that the individual observations within the subgroups have been measured under similar process conditions. The main idea behind rational sub grouping is that if the individual observations within the subgroups are as homogeneous as possible, then any special causes disrupting the process will be reflected by greater variability between the subgroups. When special causes are present in the process, rational sub-grouping attempts to maximize the likelihood that subgroup statistics will signal that the process is

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Monet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Monet - Essay Example Bearing in mind how all these painters elaborated their strongly personal manners relating to the new imaginative ideas, one notices that the new aspects appeared most frequently in the work of Monet to be captured by the other Impressionists including them as ideas or as explicit methods and applying them in their own ways (Monet biography,, Monet, Monet's father wanted him to go into the family business of trading in grocery supplies but Monet (the second son of Claude-Adolphe and Louise-Justine Aubre Monet) wanted to become an artist and was admitted in the Le Havre secondary school of the arts in 1851 after his family shifted at that region. He was not a typical, good student in school. He had said, "School seemed like a prison and I could never bear to stay there, especially when the sunshine beckoned and the sea was smooth." He always drew funny caricatures of his teachers. He always got in trouble for his drawings, but he became very good at them ( It was Eugene Boudin Boudin, his early mentor, who used to draw his sketches outdoors that pushed Monet to do the same. "Suddenly the veil was torn away.... My destiny as a painter opened out to me," he later said. For the next 60 years Monet delved into the effects of light on open-air scenes (plein-air landscape painting). He was the first artist to let his f irst impressions remain as finished works, rather than as "notes" for doing work inside the studio. (House, 1998, Monet bio, After his mother died when he was only 16 years (in 1857) he left school, went to live with his childless aunt. His family was not very happy about his occupation as a painter. In 1860 he was conscripted and had to go to Northern Africa for two years. After his return he took a trip to Paris to visit the Louvre Museum copying old masters and took painting lessons at Gleyre's studio in Paris wher he got to know Auguste Renoir, Sisley, Bazille, Pissarro ,Edouard Manet.and others. The basis of the future Impressionist movement was built. Monet liked to paint water, the way colors reflected in the water and boats, seas, and lakes were some of his pet subjects, so much so that after he married in 1870 (he married his favorite model Camille, whom he painted in Women in the Garden), and settled in Argenteuil, he fixed a boat with an easel and painted his way wavering down the Seine River, seizing his impressions of the relationship of light, water and surroundings. The boat served him as h is floating studio where he kept paints, brushes, canvas, and drawing materials (, Colors in plein air Soon, Monet averted from the conventional style of painting inside a studio and with his new friends went outside in the Fontainebleau forest to paint in the open air. Albeit Monet painted outside, he never found it to be easy. Every time, more or less, he painted outside, a bit got glued to the wet paint. If he was in the wilderness, sand and rock would get attached to his paintings. In the forest, leaves and other things would fix to his

Sunday, October 27, 2019

African American Influences On American Popular Music Cultural Studies Essay

African American Influences On American Popular Music Cultural Studies Essay These days, its not uncommon to hear the fusion of different styles of music. In fact, American music is more integrated than before and showcases different music from around the world. Melding different styles of music was popularly done as early as the twentieth century with the growth of American popular music. One style of music that had major influence on popular music was African American music. At the time, American popular music was burgeoning with different styles of music; each style was distinct in its own right with different rhythms, melodies, textures, and performance styles. From 1930 to 1970, popular music can be traced to black music of the nineteenth and twentieth century as evidenced by the metric organization, scales, instruments, and performing styles that originated from African music. By recapitulating the influences of African American music on popular music, the impact that black music has had on various musical genres is shown. African American music was brought by slaves to the Americas and later adapted to European styles. Later, African American music would incorporate highly syncopated music and the features of ragtime. These features set the stage for more music to be created, and in time many of the characteristics of black music were embedded into other musical genres. In particular, the 1930s-1940s Big Band era; 1930s country music; 1950s-1960s rock, used observable components of African American music. The music was not only influenced by the musical structure of black music, but by the performing styles of musicians. To adopt many of the African-American features, many musicians of the time had to re-invent or improvise the old with something new. These components lead up to the merging of different styles with African-American music. For many people, jazz is pleasant and enjoyable. One of the reasons it is because there are so many different sounds that come together to form this music. In the Big Band era of the 1930s, jazz, or swing, had become popular and incorporated the African elements of syncopation and riffs. Riffs, rhythms, and syncopations are just a few characteristics of African American influence on virtually all music, and jazz music in particular took this influence to a different level. (Campbell 70). What changed was that previously, in the early nineteenth century, ragtime was essentially syncopated music but was more in accordance with marching and piano music. Jazz is highly improvisational, which give way to more sounds and changes in rhythm, melody, and texture. The structure and metric organization of the jazz band was also influenced by African American music. In no other musical genre can one find the call and response style of music that was originated from African American music, and many genres have since borrowed from this method. Many jazz bands used call and response between the players and their instruments. This made the music much livelier, adding to the energy created by the fast- paced flow of jazz that appeared in the twentieth century. Four-beat counts were used in jazz music characteristic of black music in the earlier part of the twentieth century. This was the main foundation for jazz which also used percussions found in ragtime and African drum dance. Country music in the 1930s was a whole different style of music. It prominently featured singers accompanied by simple chords, melodies, stanza forms, and topics. (online). It did however, have understated influences that can be traced back to African-American music. One of the most obvious influences is the use of the banjo, an instrument from Africa used by African Americans during slavery. The banjo has mistakenly been attributed to Western culture and identified in country music despite the fact that it originated in Africa. The delivery of songs in country was inspired by the blues, gospel, and spiritual songs. Jimmie Rodgers, known for his vocal style, used the style of blues throughout a lot of his music, the musical texture of the Carter Family was touched by gospel vocals and harmonies (online), and Hank Williams tragic songs were undoubtedly inspired by the spiritual songs and blues sung by African Americans. Many of these singing styles, textures, instrumentation set the s tandard for country music, aiding in the course of its span in popular music. The 1960s and 1970s music had a different feel to it. Various social, political, and technological movements helped advance music. Rock was not just white music, but black were widely responsible for developing rock music, although met with some oppositions. African Americans influenced a degree of rock music during the 1960s and 1970s, and here is where you can see how singing and performing styles were adopted by the musicians. For example, Elvis Presley was known for having a black feel to his music and performance. He was very popular but was criticized for his true contributions to rock n roll. Many of the songs during that time were cover songs of black musicians, who because of little mainstream acceptance, did not receive the credit they deserved. Although music certainly is about different origins, sounds, and functionalities, it is interesting to see that one style of music has served universally to change the whole landscape of music. Since Africans had to develop their own ways of communicating and celebrating since the beginning of time, these people possibly held the key to a fruitful point of departure for all of music today. We are well on our way to continue this pattern borrowing and influencing music to form new music that is by people all around the world.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Euthanasia: Humane and Dignified Essay -- Euthanasia Killing Argumenta

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Advances in modern medical technology have served to deny people the right to die, and euthanasia, it may be argued, has emerged with the purpose of reclaiming that right. Euthanasia, which is defined as â€Å"granting painless death to a hopelessly ill patient with a non-curable disease,† is a very controversial issue (Russell 3). Illegal in all countries, except the Nertherlands, it is still practiced all over the world in an attempt to give people the right to a painless, and natural, death (Emanuel 1). In short, the advances in modern medicine and its techniques, have created a situation whereby people’s lives are artificially extended, despite the fact that they could be in an irrecoverable coma or suffering from an incurable chronic illness, leading increasing numbers of people to support euthanasia, as an option for a humane and dignified death.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While there is a tendency to treat euthanasia as a single concept, it is actually a very general one involving two distinct methods and practices. In general terms, it is defined as â€Å"the mercy killing of a person, that is to say, the intentional and express termination of a life whose quality is such that it is not worth living† (Kluge 132). In more specific terms, euthanasia is either active and positive, or passive and negative, with both being further defined according to whether they occurred voluntarily, involuntarily, or nonvoluntarily. That is, whether it occurred according to a person’s wishes, or against his wishes, or simply without his wishes due to his being in a condition where he can’t express himself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In examining the different forms of euthanasia, it ultimately becomes clear that both voluntary and non-voluntary passive, or negative, euthanasia do not violate ethical principles as they act in such a way that they basically restore man’s right to death. This form of euthanasia â€Å"means discontinuing or desisting from the use of extraordinary life-sustaining measures or heroic efforts to prolong life in hopeless cases when such prolongation seems an unwarranted extension of either suffering or unconsciousness† (Russell 20). That is, it is an action that has the purpose of allowing death to occur naturally, whereby it becomes very difficult to criticize passive or negative euthanasia according to ethical and religious arguments. This form of euthanasia, although it can occur without ... ...ed before carrying it out.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When reviewed from ethical perspectives, it becomes increasingly difficult to defend the artificial extension of life, and to reject passive euthanasia. If one were to consider the doctor’s role as a healer, or a reducer of pain and suffering, it would seems that medical technology actively prevents the fulfillment of this role. Thus, the objective has become the extension of life, through unnatural and artificial means, regardless of the hopelessness of recovery, or the pain and suffering experienced by the patient. It would not be an exaggeration to call this unethical, both from the religious perspective and the medical one. According to the first perspective, it is unethical insofar as it interferes with God’s wishes that a person die. In relation to the second, the unethical aspect emerges from the fact that many doctors are no longer fulfilling their professional duty to reduce suffering but are, in reality, prolonging and intensifying it. Thus , to support passive euthanasia means supporting traditional religious and medical ethics. That is, the simple right to a natural and humane death, with as little extension of suffering as possible.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Are women better rulers than men? Essay

This argument on the question; are women better rulers than men? Will focus on the example of Elizabeth I compared to the average of male rulers. It mostly depends which era you live in, in modern times it would really not make much of a difference as both genders are considered equal. But in the Tudor era, looking at it from the present, a female would definitely have had the upper hand, but from the common perspective of people in the Tudor times a female would have been considered lower, for a number of reasons, the main one being, female rulers were supposed to have a husband to make the decisions for them, while the queen got on producing a male heir. Because it was lady-like in those times. The definition for lady-like then was to be quiet, sit in a corner be submissive to males and not be able to do any thing for themselves. That really did challenge Elizabeth in the start as her parliament kept pestering her toThere were a number of traits that Elizabeth also had that made her more successful than others. One of them was she was fluent in 6 languages; her native English, French, Italian, Spanish, Greek, and Latin. Later she came to terms with a bit of german. They became very useful to her in foreign plolitical situations such as when shemade an alliance with France. The St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, in which thousands of French Protestants (Huguenots) were killed, strained the alliance but did not break it. Elizabeth even began marriage negotiations with Henry, Duke of Anjou , and afterwards with his younger brother Franà §ois, Duke of Anjou and Alenà §on. Another was that she was a just ruler and upheld the law, when she wanted, she could be ruthless (such as when the earl of essex plotted to overthrow her she had him executed immediately)but at times she can be merciful (like when she captured her half sister mary she kept transferring her from keep to keep for 18 years until she ordered her execution. Although some say this was because she was waiting for enough evidence to execute her; if she executed her too early a lot of people would view her as a martyr). She was also very brave; at the beginning of the sapnish armada, when she was 55, she deleivered a speech to her men on horseback wearing light armour, with no guard or royal escort, only her pages. (some saw this as foolery)  She was also trained partially in fencing, as part of her fitness. Women didnt usually participate in any physical activity.she could also be very rude to noblemenShe also never married and is commonly called the virgin queen (there is some speculation about this) many say that not marrying was the key to her success, it meant that she had no loyalties to anyone but the people of england, but she did have the loyalties of many men who she kept flirting with letting them think they were all in with a chance of marrying her and so did almost everything she asked. This proved she was a talented manipulater. It is also said that she never married because she was mentally scarred from the treatment of her fathers wives and how he had beheaded hers and feared that the same might happen to her. Others say that she never married because she was deeply passionate about Robert Dudley and she could not marry him for a number of reasons cheifly because he was extremly unpopular with the parliament because his family was a long line of rogue nobles. Over all I think that elizabeth proved that women are very much better rulers than men as there is no other monarchs time of reign that was called THE GOLDEN AGE[1]. Bibliography

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Reaction Paper: GMRC Essay

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 As we grow older things started to change. Changes in our surroundings, people we meet every day, our own point of view in life, and our own faith. These changes affect our daily existence. As a child, we are innocent of everything, we don’t care if we get tired of just playing around for the whole day, we don’t care if our clothes get dirty, we don’t care if there is a dirt on our face, but we do get scared when our mother and father get mad on us for the mistakes that we do. But in spite of these as a child; we still give the beautiful smile without keeping any grudges deep in our heart. As a child, we are pure and innocent and there is a glow of faith to God in our child heart. As we grow older, we are starting to expose to the reality of life. Life becomes complicated. We starting to have enemies and keep grudge s in our heart, we starting to become attached to the materials things around us, we starting to disobey our parents, we starting to be weak and fall on the sin, and we started to slip away on our faith and forget that there is a loving and forgiving God that watching us. As we celebrating the Christmas season, I would like to give emphasis to our FAITH and a beautiful verse and the heart of the bible, John chapter 3 verses 16. â€Å"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.† If we give our self a time to reflect on this remarkable verse on the bible, it will really transform our faith and our life. People may asks with a lot of how, why, who, and what questions on how this verse will affects us in our faith and to our daily life. Yes indeed, people will always questions God for so many reasons but we don’t bother to reflect and to analyze our own actions to our selves, towards our love ones and to the other people, to our environment and how much we offended GOD for the many sins we committed every single day. When our great father Adam and our great mother Eve committed the biggest sin, they cut the string that binding us to God, the morta l sin that passes to the generation of all mankind. But God is so good; he works in many mysterious ways and promises to save the human race from sin. God gave his one and only begotten son Jesus Christ to us. We celebrate the Christmas because the birth of Jesus Christ gives us new hope and new  life. The births of Jesus Christ on the manger show and reflect the humility of the Son of God. Also through this humility of the son of GOD, the three wise men give homage, respect and gave different kind of gifts that only for a king. The birth of Jesus Christ rejoices our heart in gladness. The birth of Jesus Christ is knocking at a door of our hardened heart and teaching us to be a child again. A child heart that is full of hope, happiness, humility, care, love and faith. It’s amazing how God really works and show how much He care and love the human kind through his Son Jesus. God sent his son Jesus to the world to carry a greatest mission, a mission to save all mankind from sin that weaken and destroy our faith. Jesus lives a life on earth with simplicity, love and obedience to his father Joseph and mother Mary but He never f orget the greatest work that our Lord God put on his shoulders. He started to proclaim the words of the Lord. He started to travelled and performed different kind of miracles. He touches and changed the life of different people. He healed different kind of sickness that makes our earthly body weak. Jesus Christ founded the sacrament of the Eucharist. While they were eating, Jesus took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and giving it to his disciples said, â€Å"Take and eat; this is my body.† Then He took a cup, gave thanks and gave it to them saying, â€Å"Drink from it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed on behalf of many for the forgiveness of sins.† (Matthew 26: 26-28). At the last suffer; Jesus founded the Eucharist to share with us His life and to provide us with the commemoration of his suffering and pain. When the time of Jesus Christ came, He carries his greatest mission. He shows his humility, as his holiness and divinity are trampled upon by the people he has chosen to be his own. People spit in His face and He struck him and while other slapped him by saying that his not the Messiah. But Jesus Christ accepted every pain, mocking and humiliation that the people gave to him without talking back or complaining. Jesus Christ can ask God the Father to send angels and protect him but he chooses to suffer in obedience to the will of the Father. Jesus Christ embraced all mankind, when He stretched his hands on the cross to redeem us from our sins. Jesus Christ cross proclaims the wonder of his love to all of us. God the father willed his one and only begotten son Jesus, to die on the cross for the sins of the world for us to understand how much God and Jesus Christ love the mankind  unconditionally. As we accept Jesus Christ, true God and true man in our life, his victory on the cross teaches us to reflect on his suffering, death and resurrection in order for us to have an unfailing faith in Thy goodness that has no end. Jesus Christ led us to many beautiful lessons. He teaches us to reflect and to be strong and to hold on to our faith in the midst of present danger and fear. He teaches us to bear our cross so that we may be united to his suffering as we pass by on our earthly life and to be worthy to hope for a new life in the kingdom of God.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on The Future “class Of 2005“

Summer time is almost here when schools out the students cheer no teachers or tests and 3 months of fun nothing but spending all day in the sun laying out and swimming all day this is the life of a kid after may staying out and sleeping in late is something that no children hate hanging out with friends and parties at the fair come if you want stay if you dare graduation parties time for the seniors to go on to college for them they will be missed you know but in august we will be the "big cheese" and make all the underclassman drop to their knees super class day we can hardly wait finally its out turn to win as if the day was fate one more year and we will be done and then ites nothing but fun no school forever we make the choices no parents or teachers with their nagging voices were almost done it will go fast then all we have to hold on to is the past all of us our college bound leaving this town ourselves will be found hopefully we will stay in touch life wouldnt be the same and everybody would be missed much... Free Essays on The Future â€Å"class Of 2005â€Å" Free Essays on The Future â€Å"class Of 2005â€Å" Summer time is almost here when schools out the students cheer no teachers or tests and 3 months of fun nothing but spending all day in the sun laying out and swimming all day this is the life of a kid after may staying out and sleeping in late is something that no children hate hanging out with friends and parties at the fair come if you want stay if you dare graduation parties time for the seniors to go on to college for them they will be missed you know but in august we will be the "big cheese" and make all the underclassman drop to their knees super class day we can hardly wait finally its out turn to win as if the day was fate one more year and we will be done and then ites nothing but fun no school forever we make the choices no parents or teachers with their nagging voices were almost done it will go fast then all we have to hold on to is the past all of us our college bound leaving this town ourselves will be found hopefully we will stay in touch life wouldnt be the same and everybody would be missed much...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Symbols and Motifs in Literature

Symbols and Motifs in Literature When you read a book, you might notice recurring themes within the text, which usually influence the storyline and provide clues into the plot or conflict occurring. In order to build and explain the theme, the author will use symbols and motifs. Many readers fully understand what a symbol is, but not everyone is as familiar with motifs. While they are similar and both serve to help us understand the material at hand, these two types of language arent the same. Both are crucial parts of creating a strong storyline that will draw in the reader and hold his attention. What is a symbol? A symbol is an object that represents something else, and in fact, are a part of your daily life, not just a piece of literature. You may not realize it, but you  encounter millions of symbols in your everyday life, such as: Traffic lights: Red light means stop, green means go, and yellow means cautionThe arrow means this wayA cross represents religion, or more specifically, ChristianityLight bulb means new ideaNumerals 1 and 0, put together, mean tenA heart means loveLogos represent brands, like the Nike swoosh or Macs AppleEven our names are symbols that represent us as individual humans Symbols can hold unexpected meaning, but upon further investigation, can make a lot of sense. For example, if you read a scene that involves a skunk lurking in the background, you might wonder what that animal could signify. But, if  theres something that foul in the works of your story, like a breakup or a bit of bad luck, the skunk begins to bring up imagery of something that is less than pleasant to experience. Thus, the symbolism.   To better understand symbolism, you might  ask yourself to consider what a variety of everyday objects might stand for if they were used in a piece of literation. For example, think about emotions or thoughts that come to mind when you see the following: Flowers (represent nature, birth, growth, femininity, beauty)Lightening bolt  (represents speed, strength, power, electricity)  Spider web (represents entanglement, entrapment, mystery) What is a motif? While a symbol might occur once in literature to signify an idea or an emotion, a motif can be an element or idea that repeats throughout that piece of literature. It is closely related to a theme but is more of a supporting role to the theme than a theme itself. It is within the pattern of repetition that the power and impact of a motif are found. A motif could, in fact, be expressed by a collection of related symbols. How do symbols and motifs work together? Since multiple symbols can be used to explain a motif, lets break down a few examples. Lets say we have a story about a family struggling to stay together, parents considering divorce. We might encounter a motif of fragmentation that could come from several symbols that appear in a book: Shattered glassA runaway (pet, teen, car)An explosionA scattered puzzle Sometimes a motif can also be a study on contrast, like the theme of good versus evil, or light and dark. A series of symbols that could represent this motif might be: Moon shadows (shades of darkness)A candle (a light in the darkness)Storm clouds (temporary darkness)A ray of sunshine (emerging from darkness)A tunnel (through the darkness) The symbols and motifs you discover in your reading will lead to the understanding of an overall theme of your book. To find the theme of a book, you should look for an overall message or lesson. If you do encounter the motif of light and dark in a book, you should think about a message that the author is trying to send about life. The light and dark of a story might tell us: Love survives deathLife renews itselfKnowledge conquers fear Tip: if you see a series of symbols or a collection of motifs, but you cant come up with a theme, try inserting a verb to describe the object.  If you see a lot of references to fire, for example, you can ask yourself what action we might associate with fire. Fire burnsFire destroysFire warms Consider which of these behaviors make sense in the context of the novel or story you are reading.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

4 Tips On Making Your Movie Review from

4 Tips On Making Your Movie Review How to write a movie review For many people, a review can be the making or breaking point of a movie as it is used to help the reader, or in other terms, a potential audience member gains insight about the film. Even the simplest phrase such as "The best" or "The worst" can be the words that help the potential viewer and audience member decide whether or not they will see the film. As a review writer or reviewer, your job is to give your opinion, as well as help the reader decide whether or not they should see the movie for themselves. These are a few tips on how to write an insightful movie review with many high-quality details. Always watch the film first We've all seen this at least once. An article stating that a film that hasn't even come out yet is saying the movie is one of the best films ever to be produced. Or they use phrases and keywords that make it obvious they had never even watched the movie. This can be a huge turn off to an audience as they want to feel as though the opinion is honest about the film they want to watch. So don't base your opinions on what you hear, instead, take a couple of hours to watch the movie once for entertainment, and if you need to get once again a better opinion of it. Find out who your audience is All films are made with a different audience in mind, some differing with only minor details while others differ majorly. For example, you may write a movie review about "300" from an entirely different standpoint if your audience was a group of theater arts students instead of history students. A simple change can completely switch your mindset, and instead of thinking along the terms of "Is this historically accurate" or "did they dress that way." By changing the audience to theater students you begin to think in terms such as "Why did they choose to film there" or "why did they choose to kill those characters, but not those characters." Don't criticize or praise without detail We can all say whether or not a movie is good or bad. However, the reviewer wants to know why. Instead of saying "This movie was too long." Say something along the lines of, "There were too many subplots that pulled away from the actual story" or "Much of the dialogue could have been cut out and it wouldn't have made much of a difference." Even praise shouldn't exist without particular reason or insight. If you find a movie to be wonderfully entertaining, you may be tempted to write how great it was with no hesitation. However, you should still review it from a critique from a standpoint. Instead of saying something along the lines of "This movie was so fantastic, everyone should see it." You may want to say something like, "I enjoyed this film, it was quick to pull me into the story and kept me on the edge of my seat." to give your audience a more exact reason to see the film. Research the filmmaker Find out what other films they have made, take in the details of each film and how they improved with each film. Even use comparisons, by using phrases such as "One of the best films since his last feature presentation hit." or "The film was obviously an attempted repeat of their classic film" to allow the audience to derive a particular viewpoint on the movie based on the words you give them. Following these easy steps allows to learn fast how to make a movie review, or a small reminder for those who alraedy familiar with the assignment.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Proposal Argument (a problem that relates to your local community or Essay

Proposal Argument (a problem that relates to your local community or college campus and that you can provide a reasonable solution to) - Essay Example Core classes at ASU have a description that relates the competencies of the course and introduces the student to that subject as it is deemed a core competency for educated individuals. However, evolution has placed the economy in a turbulence that has redirected everything from education, to work and even the way the home is being operated. There is a shift in the way that business and home are functioning and this shift has to be prepared for on every level of life including the educational level. Although big business is one way of webbing the world together, it is a huge slice of the problem existing on an international scale in the business and well as the private sector. It is no secret that big business provide jobs, however they also slash the body of the economy with a gash that can not be mended with stitches or sutures. For example, examine the impact that a mega store such as Walmart has on a local economy. While it does provide convenient shopping, which in turn can provide cheaper prices, it is conglomerated of several small businesses which stifle the small business sector rendering the small business sector unable to compete. Along with knocking the small business out of the competitive ranks, it also provide jobs that may pay less than their counterpart small business would pay their employees which hurts the economy as well. According to the article, Wal-mart and County Wide Poverty by Stephen J. Goetz and Hema Swaminathan the low wages that Walmart pay their employees only contribute to the poverty level of that county in which that Walmart is located (3). Big business is the current wave of the economy and educational institutions must identify how to compete against big business and provide learning tools to spark the entrepreneur sector to fire up small business. Along with the return of small business, there should be a fundamental understanding that the inter-connected global economy is the wave of the future so there

Friday, October 18, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 82

History - Essay Example Through legislation, advocacy and litigation against this brutal and barbaric institution, the general public and civil rights organizations attempt to forbid executions and attempt the elimination of capital punishment. The issue of abortion in terms of politics is a matter of individual’s rights to privacy. The basic notion that is linked with the issue of abortion that makes it a moral dilemma is the fact that whether a female has a right to abort the development of an upcoming human and whether an child in the womb has its right to survive or not. However the court decisions reflect that the abortion right is protected by the fourteenth amendment as in order to be granted right of privacy, an individual is needed to be born. The issue of same sex marriage has been in discussion since last decades. As it was not a legalized marriage, people demanded that it to be legalized so that individuals may live in the manner they want to live with the partner they want to be with. The basic dilemma seems to have resolved as the basic right has been soon recognized by the whole United States and the political, cultural and religious objections making the act a taboo will be disregarded (Singh, 2003). Theoretically human life can never be priced and may be considered as priceless. However, various organizations do estimate the human lives worth and according to international standards, it is around $50,000. This international standard has been implemented by most government-run and private insurance plans globally use to ascertain while deciding upon covering a novel medical procedure. Usually the value of a human life is estimated in order to help the governments plan the amount to be expensed for healthcare of an individual citizen. However, there are certain other issues too that do incorporate valuing human life while

Questions (see directions) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Questions (see directions) - Essay Example g survey, nearly four million or eight percent of the nation’s students were identified as LEP (Limited English Proficiency) students (Provasnik et al., 2007). In such a scenario, it is the responsibility of the schools and districts to ensure that these students adapt to the classroom environment and are able to make progress in varied subjects like English and mathematics. In keeping with the needs of students, many schools and districts offer a range of special education services for students with disabilities. Such special education services help them work in a laidback school environment with low expectations and a less competitive curriculum. However, over the years, research showed an overrepresentation of CLD students in disability categories, which spiralled into a national debate and also resulted in federal intervention. Research shows that race and the ethnicity can result in diagnosing a student as ‘disabled’, which can be detrimental to a student’s psyche and performance (NEA policy brief). Moreover, social stigma attached to special schools can affect self-esteem and deprive the student of the opportunity to compete with his/her peers. This resulted in ushering in changes to the definition of learning disability. Earlier definitions of learning disability were based on a difference between student’s intellectual ability and academic progress whereas now the revised definition emphasises more on the teacher. It is the teacher who must make accurate observations, make notes and interpret them effectively in order to facilitate proper assessment (Case and Taylor, 2005). Appropriate response to intervention (RTI) models and interventions can be useful to help students overcome academic hurdles and assess the nature of help required in their academic career. Research further shows that it is difficult to classify a learning disabled from an ESL learner because both groups have shared symptoms (Case and Taylor, 2005). From a linguistic

The role if Integrated Management System in Developing Inventory Dissertation - 1

The role if Integrated Management System in Developing Inventory Management system in Government Sector - Dissertation Example The government sector in UAE is in the integrated management system primary poses for assisting their store division that effectively processes related tasks of operation.The integrated management system helps to developing and improving any existing gaps and weaknesses when the application is utilized to being tailored to each department process tasks. The gaps and issues related to safety, building developments, staff quality, and the transferring of data that meets international standards sets the level of needed achievement. The weaknesses in proficiency meeting internal practices with sufficient resources can continue the lack of productivity to transferring data or materials from one point to another. This can cause a risk associated to cost that without an integrated management system in place to monitor and detect failure to meeting standards and negatively hinder the organization for progressing. The pursuit for organizations relates to having proficiency in their integral m anagement system that prevents lapse of coverage to processing tasks within certain daily practices. The review of the company internal processes in select departments offers a vantage point of identified gaps, such as, safety issues, building development, staff quality, material requisitions, and material transfers. Thus, the defined element of concern to address such gaps of issues are notion to structure the integrated management system in a way that adapts to each department needs for proficiency. This is key to solving the problem identified of slow responses from the government store division to the targeted consumer, in the ability, to structuring the technology resources effectively that limits overall associated risks. The aim is the achievement of objectives that arise from its polices with reference to a specific sector of the business. Further, the mission of having a combination of processes and practices that are used within an organization to aid the implementation of the organization’s policies provides a lasting impression to business model for efficiency. The goal is in reviewing the slow responses of productive processing of tasks that are mirrored - to certain integral management systems capabilities in the delivering of objectives that arise from these policies, is known as Integrated Management System [Def.] In the identification of risks the business processes in Operational Risk [Def.] are categorized into four areas: 1. Quality- risk of supplying the customer with a different product or service 2. Safety- risk associated with the supply of an unsafe product/service, or workers getting injured during production 3. Environment- risk of producing a product that could be harmful for the environment and/or the consumer 4. Security- risk involved with being associated with criminal activity during the provision of a product The core investment in business relates to the managing the resources that improves the overall profitability of the organization. Therefore, the needs is to having a huge cash flow constraint is imperative for the organization to optimize inventory using the analytical and statistical methods applied by an integrated approach. Respectively, the optimizing inventory is an output of many inter-organizational processes that making it one of the major challenges can hinder on reaching a desired outcome. The pursuit for the organization to lower service levels often it has been noticed that company’

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Islamophobia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Islamophobia - Essay Example 'Islamophobia,' if any, especially as contested within a U.K. context, is just such an instance of an active (mis)labelling practice in which contestants - '(Jeudo-Christian) Occident' vs. '(Islamist) Orient' as possible (mis)labelled parties to contest - exchange exact same (mis)labelled identity signifier i.e. 'Islamophobic' not only in order to frame parties to contest but for an appropriation of what, ultimately, defines frames of contest per se. Indeed, much literature is dedicated to question (mis)appropriateness of 'Islamophobia' as a labeller of 'phobia' generated, presumably, from an increasingly 'visible' presence of Islam / Muslims in the U.K. in recent years. 1,2,3 The case for / against Islamophobia, depending on which party holds argument, is, in fact, made much blurry given ambiguity of what constitutes a Muslim identity in the first place. 4 Considering potentially multiple identities of U.K. Muslims 5,6, contestation between and This paper examines multilayered manipulations of Islamophobia as contested within a U.K context. The argument, first, discusses literature on race relations and immigration policies, more emphasis being laid on policies pertaining to Commonwealth subjects in Indian Subcontinent. An examination follows of how race-based (addressing ethnicity, assimilation and multiculturalism issues) as opposed to faith-based (addressing religious practices, rights, and interfaith relations) protections have much influenced and/or mixed up contestations over Islam, Muslims and, most importantly, Islamophobia, if any, within a U.K. context. Finally, Islamophobia is placed in a wider European context in which contestation over Islamophobia as such is connected to Continental debates on modern nation-states and multiculturalisms. Race, race relations and immigration policies Historically, Britain has received waves of immigrants of diverse descent for a multitude of reasons. Yet, post-World War II period, particularly during mid-1940's, 1950's and 1960's, witnessed unprecedented influx into major industrial cities for reconstruction efforts. 7,8 Up until late 1960's, no specific laws addressed inter-ethnic violence and conflict. Ironically, ex-colonies subjects were regarded, after all, as second class citizens. 9 Only when families of 'Asian' (primarily Pakistani, Indian and Bangladeshi) works started to 'flood' English cities and ports in what is referred to as 'chain immigration' (i.e. residents invite close family members and friends and, once [Insert Your Last Name] 4 settled, relatives and friends invite their own families and friends) did local acts of ethnic violence give prominence to and raise public awareness on a national level of 'alien' citizen status as part of British reality. 10 Still, post-World War II period is one characterised more by inflammatory statements made about nationals of 'non-British' blood and descent 11 rather than about

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Constitutional Framers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Constitutional Framers - Essay Example In his statement Jefferson compared the government to a newspaper; he stated that he preferred a newspaper without government to a government without a newspaper. This philosophy was directed towards the American constitution, the confederation act and the declaration of independence in America. The revolutionaries set a system which was too weak to accomplish the set objectives in the country. A clear analysis of their approach could define the motives which lay behind the poor system. They were basically on a quest to defend their wealth against federal interference. Major sectors of the country’s economy were rendered helpless by this group of people who argued that they were acting in the interest of the many. Jefferson states that a man is a rational being endowed with a sense of judgment and hence able to distinguish what is wrong and right. This is a sign that the revolutionaries were concretely aware of their undertakings; they were acting on matters which were clearly established from their inner personalities. The closing of the revolutionary era paved a way to another class of thinkers who insisted on a different aspect. At independence, the core objectives were to maintain the societal order, settling the public debt, the establishment of a sound financial system and installing mechanism which could spur the growth of the economy in the country. These categories of individuals were not founding their techniques on philosophy as they were basically businessmen and individual property owners in the country.

Islamophobia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Islamophobia - Essay Example 'Islamophobia,' if any, especially as contested within a U.K. context, is just such an instance of an active (mis)labelling practice in which contestants - '(Jeudo-Christian) Occident' vs. '(Islamist) Orient' as possible (mis)labelled parties to contest - exchange exact same (mis)labelled identity signifier i.e. 'Islamophobic' not only in order to frame parties to contest but for an appropriation of what, ultimately, defines frames of contest per se. Indeed, much literature is dedicated to question (mis)appropriateness of 'Islamophobia' as a labeller of 'phobia' generated, presumably, from an increasingly 'visible' presence of Islam / Muslims in the U.K. in recent years. 1,2,3 The case for / against Islamophobia, depending on which party holds argument, is, in fact, made much blurry given ambiguity of what constitutes a Muslim identity in the first place. 4 Considering potentially multiple identities of U.K. Muslims 5,6, contestation between and This paper examines multilayered manipulations of Islamophobia as contested within a U.K context. The argument, first, discusses literature on race relations and immigration policies, more emphasis being laid on policies pertaining to Commonwealth subjects in Indian Subcontinent. An examination follows of how race-based (addressing ethnicity, assimilation and multiculturalism issues) as opposed to faith-based (addressing religious practices, rights, and interfaith relations) protections have much influenced and/or mixed up contestations over Islam, Muslims and, most importantly, Islamophobia, if any, within a U.K. context. Finally, Islamophobia is placed in a wider European context in which contestation over Islamophobia as such is connected to Continental debates on modern nation-states and multiculturalisms. Race, race relations and immigration policies Historically, Britain has received waves of immigrants of diverse descent for a multitude of reasons. Yet, post-World War II period, particularly during mid-1940's, 1950's and 1960's, witnessed unprecedented influx into major industrial cities for reconstruction efforts. 7,8 Up until late 1960's, no specific laws addressed inter-ethnic violence and conflict. Ironically, ex-colonies subjects were regarded, after all, as second class citizens. 9 Only when families of 'Asian' (primarily Pakistani, Indian and Bangladeshi) works started to 'flood' English cities and ports in what is referred to as 'chain immigration' (i.e. residents invite close family members and friends and, once [Insert Your Last Name] 4 settled, relatives and friends invite their own families and friends) did local acts of ethnic violence give prominence to and raise public awareness on a national level of 'alien' citizen status as part of British reality. 10 Still, post-World War II period is one characterised more by inflammatory statements made about nationals of 'non-British' blood and descent 11 rather than about

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How Height Affects Time Taken for A Falling Object to Reach Ground Level Essay Example for Free

How Height Affects Time Taken for A Falling Object to Reach Ground Level Essay Introduction: In this investigation, how height will affect the time taken for a steel ball bearing to reach the ground will be investigated. It is was Isaac Newton that first discovered gravity and wrote laws defining it. His Second Law of Motion states that the Resultant Force on an object (F) is equal to the Mass of the body (m) times its acceleration (a), or . The weight (W) of a body is the force of gravity acting on it, which gives it acceleration (g) if it is falling freely close to the earths surface. If the body was to have a mass (m) Newtons 2nd Law of Motion could calculate its weight. Given that and Newtons Law becomes . In April of 2003, in a method similar to that, which will be conducted in this investigation, the acceleration of gravity was concluded to be 9.81. Using the knowledge mentioned above, several equation of motion have been created. One particularly relevant to this investigation is . In this equation: S = Distance in meters (In this case height) u = Initial velocity in * t = Time Taken in seconds a = Acceleration in ** * As the ball begins its fall from rest, its initial velocity, u, will be 0 ** As the ball is falling under acceleration due to gravity, = 9.81 Plan: In this investigation, since the means to calculate air resistance and friction are unavailable, they will be ignored. Acceleration due to gravity and the method by which the investigation will be carried out are controlled variables. The height from which the ball is dropped is the independent variable, i.e. the variable that is changed and the dependent variable is the time taken for the ball to reach the ground. It is predicted that as the height from which the ball is dropped decreases, the time taken for the ball to reach the ground will also decrease. An actual set of predicted values can be predicted from the earlier mention Equations of Motion. This line of the equation can be related to the straight-line graph equation , (the gradient) and . When the ball is dropped from 0.00m, it takes 0.00seconds to reach the ground as this will mean that the graph will pass through the origin so . Alternatively: . Using the above equations, the expected results for the investigation are: Height H, (m) Time t, (secs) Time squared t2, (secs2) 1.0 0.452 0.204 0.9 0.428 0.183 0.8 0.404 0.163 0.7 0.378 0.143 0.6 0.350 0.123 0.5 0.319 0.102 0.4 0.288 0.082 0.3 0.247 0.061 0.2 0.202 0.041 0.1 0.143 0.020 0.0 0.000 0.000 This is what the expected graph of Height vs. time should look like: Height (m) Time (secs) The following page shows what the expected graph for Height vs. time2 should look like. It is a straight line passing through the origin, thus proving the prediction . The expected gradient, m, should be equal to 1/2 g, or, 4.905ms-2. It is actually 4.926ms-2, which is only 0.021 ms-2 out or 0.428%. This is probably due to the rounding of decimal places when drawing the graph and human error in plotting the points (i.e. not exactly accurate to 3 decimal places.) Apparatus Diagram: Safety: As there is a very minimal risk in this investigation, no safety measures need to be taken. It is planned to drop the ball from a height of 1m and decrease in intervals of 0.1m. At each height 5 readings will be recorded and then the mean result will be calculated. This makes the results more reliable (and better for use in calculation like working out g or the mass of the steel ball.) The Results will be recorded in a table like this: Height (cm) Time taken for ball to reach ground (seconds) Mean Result Mean Result2 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 00 It is hoped that a graph of height vs. the mean results squared will be produced similar to that on page 4. In the graph, it is hoped to prove that the time-taken-for-a-ball2 to fall is directly proportional to the height it is dropped from, i.e. . Obtaining Evidence: Height (cm) Time taken for ball to reach ground (seconds) Mean Result Mean Result2 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 100 0.456 0.454 0.458 0.454 0.454 0.455 0.207 90 0.432 0.431 0.431 0.432 0.432 0.432 0.186 80 0.406 0.407 0.406 0.407 0.406 0.406 0.165 70 0.380 0.382 0.382 0.383 0.381 0.382 0.146 60 0.353 0.354 0.354 0.354 0.354 0.354 0.125 50 0.323 0.323 0.322 0.322 0.322 0.322 0.104 40 0.289 0.288 0.293 0.289 0.287 0.289 0.084 30 0.252 0.251 0.251 0.250 0.251 0.251 0.063 20 0.208 0.207 0.206 0.206 0.206 0.207 0.043 10 0.150 0.150 0.150 0.150 0.151 0.150 0.023 00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Graphs: In the following pages, the results recorded in the above table will be shown in the form of line graphs. This will make it easier to identify a trend in the results. It is also an appropriate method of recording the information and is useful for quick reference; also if the time for the ball to fall is desired from a height other than the ones specified in the table, the value can be obtained from the graph. Conclusion: The general trends from the graphs show, as predicted; when the height from which the ball was dropped decreased, the time taken for the ball to reach the ground also decreased. In the graph of Height vs. Time2,, it is shown that Height is directly proportional to Time2. The reason for this is derived from one of the Equations of Motion: , from this equation below, it was shown that . The final line of the above equation can be related to the straight-line graph equation . , (the gradient) and . C can be ignored as the line in the graph passes the y-axis at the orgin. Fundamentally: . H = S = The height in meters from which the ball was dropped. = The time in seconds that the ball took to land. a = g = The acceleration due to the gravitational pull of the earth. Note: The factor that affected the acceleration was g, (which, on earth, is ) is the mass of the planet, for Earth this is constant. The results of the investigation are consistent with the prediction. The relationship of was proved in the similarity of the graphs on page 4 8, they had almost the exact same gradient, only 0.072ms-2 in difference (or 1.462%) it was also very similar to the mathematical prediction of the gradient (1/2g) again only 0.051 ms-2 out. Evaluation: In this investigation, all results are held to be very reliable. When the data was being collected, sophisticated technology was used which measured time accurately and reliably to the nearest thousandth of a second. All recorded results were in very close proximity of each other, so that 0.006seconds was the maximum difference observed. There were no anomalies observed. All points on the graph on page 8 are not only close to the line of best fit, they are actually on it. The results in this investigation are believed to be very reliable; as a result no changes need to be made to the procedure.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Water Pumping System For Rural Applicatio Engineering Essay

Water Pumping System For Rural Applicatio Engineering Essay Water accessibility is more significant in present days .U.N i.e.[united nation ] estimate it will take nearly further than $90 billion in order to meet the current world deficits for clean water alone in 1980s Decade for water moving forward in 1990s it was clear that even with huge amount of money needs of water of tens of millions of citizens will not be meet by the end of Decade . although problems in delivering water has identified for so many years . reasonable and easiest way is to divert rainfall i.e. water due to rain by a gravity flow structure to the required site this process is not available in the world at least not on a regular or request basis . which is not achievable . General process for many years .manual pumping is been used even though this pump need regular maintenance and it should be attended. Their use is crucial to supply water. Throughout the world particularly for human consumption . This process is been selected by the U.N as the primary process in order to improve the supply of water. Pumping water from deep wells or moving water in large volume is not done very effectively by hand pump. It requires the use of mechanical powered pump .which is powered by engines or electric motor .powered engine systems are supplying water to big communities all over the world. Infrastructure of these big communities can supply fuel and maintenance required by the engine. Solar powered system or process is also available in large amount in the world. Which is powered by P.V i.e.[photovoltaic ] array or by wind generators . Photovoltaic system has established high reliability and lesser price as compare to another method in a huge ground of application. This report is about photovoltaic power pumping system in which it includes its installation including its simplicity of procurement and the required maintenance. Which explain about their rising reputation it is useful for intermediate application for agriculture requirement and in small villages. This report gives a methodology in choosing the finest system design for a particular purpose regularly a mixture of techniques can significantly reduce price and advance the dependability of a pumping system or make available of a flexible design in order to face a large range of application. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF SOLAR POWER Advantages The use of photovoltaic in solar systems accounts for long life expectancy of the system (more than 20 years). Solar facilities operated with little maintenance or intervention after initial setup. Solar power is pollution free. Solar electric generation is economically competitive where grid connection or fuel transportation is difficult, costly or impossible e.g satellites, remote locations, ocean vessels etc. Disadvantages P.V cells produce d.c which must be converted to A.C before using with A.C appliances To get enough energy for applications, a larger number of P.V cells are needed. This increases the cost. Solar cells are expensive, and require a large initial capital when purchasing. Two typical ways of using solar water pump are as follow: Using a battery by charging it with solar photovoltaic panel and with the help of that pump running the pump. Direct connecting between pump and the solar photovoltaic panel. Both this method also have their drawbacks which are as follow: Making use of batteries by charging it by solar pump and than using it to run the pump that mean we have to use two batteries while one is running at that time other one will be charging which makes it more costly. If we are connecting solar panel directly to the pump than the water will be pump only during the sun glowing. Introduction: The aim of this study work is to construct a solar based DC water pump which would be used in rural and isolated zones. There are ample amount of villages and towns who do not have the privilege of possessing electric current supplies in their respective areas. By taking a look at the current scenario of our present economic choric. The solar water pumping system would be a benefited boon to the people. It not only saves the electricity but also in turn saves the wealth i.e. the capital. It is only easily available in the market but can be constructed as well. The development of the human kind has derived n number of methods of developing a water pump. The different sources of power used by people as a form of energy are as follow: Human energy [man power]. Animal power [cows, ox to pull out water]. Hydro power [at water dames and water bund]. Wind power [solar water heater, solar cooker, etc]. Fuels such as diesel for small generator. The most common pumps used in the rural and isolated communities are hand pumps, borehole pump which are driven by fuel such as diesel, electric submersible pumps which are run by diesel generator last but not the least solar pump Following are the different types of pumps with their advantages and disadvantages Advantage Disadvantage Hand pump Can be easily manufactured locally Easy maintenance Less capital cost Fuel cost zero Trouncing of human efficiency Repeated and unproductive use of borehole Flow rates are minimal Animal power Prevailing than humans Subordinate remuneration than human power Dung used as cooking fuel Constant food requirement to be met for animal Regularly abstracted to other actions at critical irrigation periods Hydraulic pump No supervision required Fuel cost zero Effortless to preserve Stumpy expenditure Long life Lofty consistency Involve precise location settings Low output Wind pump No fuel required Easily manufactured locally Long life No supervision required Effortless to preserve Water has to be stored due to the scarcity of wind High project planning and system design needed Difficult to install Solar P.V Zero fuel cost Long life [20 years approx] Easily manufacture locally Minimum maintenance Can be easily installed No supervision required Water has to be cloudy stored for cloudy period Often undergoes repairing [skilled technicians required] Diesel gasoline pump Easily installed Minimal capital cost Used worldwide It is portable Fuel is expansive High maintenance Short life Result in noise fume pollution Aim: Is to construct a solar water pump constituting P.V array .which would convert solar energy in to electrical energy as direct current [DC]. Application of solar water pumps: Water supply for rural and isolated areas. Livestock watering. Irrigation. Village and water supply is very dominating. Though there is a very high demand of water storage for the period of low solar radiation during rainy season this demands can be met by rain water harvesting .the main application of solar water pumping are for livestock watering mainly in the U.S and Australia .village water system and livestock watering are used in Africa where as solar water pumping for irrigation are mainly used in countries like India and china where expositor of sun are very good. Technology: P.V pumps constituents of the following components the P.V array converts solar energy directly in to electricity as direct current [DC] .the pump is driven by an electric motor. All the different characteristic of these components ought to be matched to get the efficient result the pump motor unit has its own optimum speed and load depending on the type and the size of the pump. Motor: Two types of motor is being able to use such as DC motor or the AC motor .inverter is required if we are using AC motor .which exist more broadly .inverters have become low cost and are well organized. Electronic controller frequency -variable inverter is used mainly in solar pumping system. By which panel and the pump linking can be optimise in order to maintain and due to the method or the system is fewer proficient batteries are also required for a usual AC motor system . The permanent magnet motor is generally proficient for a DC motor and CD motors might contain carbon brushes .when the brushed DC motor is being made into use than in order to change brushes [roughly around every two years] equipment required to pull out of the well. design without brushes are present in which as a replacement for commentators along with brushes electric circuits is use. The design without brush of DC motors needed electronic commutation which is being well liked in solar pumping system. Pump: Presently are few type of different pump are in the bazaar which include. Piston pump: in this pump before the output piston movement of the pump draw water in a assembly room i.e.[compartment]. Thread screw pump: in this pump water capsule is focused next to the screw in axial way. Starting from the opening to the way out for example [cavity progressive pump, rotor helical pump, and mono pump]. Centrifugal pump: in this pump impeller drive water for the exit with high revolving pace more or less near the border of the pump. In the middle of impeller situates an inlet from where the water is drawn. Following are the system configuration and the pumps option: Positive displacement helical pumps: Similar specs of water relief head as well as volume pressure positive displacement helical pump contains most excellent effectiveness with the least P.V panel. Their rotational speed is short. Inside a rubber covering a metallic helical rotor rotate .which is fit designed for greater head .during cloudy season mono solar pump is time consuming but due to its lowest speed water flow is continues not like centrifugal pump. Submerged pump with motor mounted on the surface: Benefit for this type of pump is Motor maintenance can be easily accessible Power victims ( losses) is shortly effected in shaft bearings Installation prise of the pump is high which is its disadvantage for which it is mostly replaced by submersible pump set as well as the motor Floating pump set motor: Due to its flexibility of floating .it is perfectly used in irrigation purpose of pumping water from canals as well as the well it is easily movable and there is a minor possibility of the pump operating dry. Majority of this pump sets apply solo step submerged centrifugal pump. Majority of this type contain DC motor without brush frequently with solar array hold. Like wheel barrow or handle. Like troll to permit transport SURFACE SUCTION PUMPS: Surface suction pumps set is moreover appropriate in short head application because of its export system. It requires presence of operator for the purpose of its security as well as its maintanence. In order to have additional than 8 suction head is not possible . fever ordinary solar power pumps along with PV motorized reciprocating piston pumps or thermo phones as thermal solar pump are present which are not used commercially. SUBMERSIBLE PUMP: Pump with electronic load controller can be flooded with load controller above the earth or surface. It can be easily installed with lay flat pipe work and motor pump is positioned if flooded away from potential harm. MULTISTAGE CENTRIFUGAL PUMP: It can be switched on at low torque. With no electronic controller can be synchronized with the solar array it is not well organised as positive dislocation pumps with low cost electronic load controllers useful for short heads. Selection of the pump: Photovoltaic pumps contain their influence rate as well as flow rate in order to design a P.V pump structure .following are the most important factors. Current voltage requirement of the pump. Tallness of the storage reservoir i.e.[tank] as well as the deepness of the water resource. Mechanical job completed via the pump. Required flow rate. Price of the structure. The following are the points that are measured for additional complicated design: Tube i.e.[pipe line] force allowness. Temperature of the water. Heat as well as electric loss. Quality of the pump. The above points are not always needed in order to design complicated P.V pumps. It is required to realize the principal of water pumping. Following equation is used in order to verify flow rate conversion. /h= /d Where : p[ /h] = meter cub per hour. [ /d] = meter cub per day. Standard equal hour of solar power i.e.[sun energy] received for each day is equal to the peak sun hours which vary according to the site and the time of year. ( /m), ( /m), (l/m), ( /s) this are the other unite which are used to measure flow rate of pump structure . Where: Usg/m = U.S gallon per minute. Lg/m = imperial gallon per minute. L/m = litre per minute. Kg/s = kilogram per second. Understanding the principle of photovoltaic process: The working principal of photovoltaic irrigation system is quite straight forward. A photovoltaic array is the source of electricity for driving a surface motor pump. Which basically pumps out water from well reservoir into a accumulating basin. The P.V array contain 20 modules and each v trough module [ 50 watt peak] is made up of 36 square single silicon solar cells the pumping subsystem constitute of an MPPT [maximum power point tracker] and a motor pump. The components of motor pump are DC motor [746 watt] unswervingly attached to a surface centrifugal pump. Photovoltaic pumping system efficiencies: Total efficiency of photovoltaic pumping system is defined as the product of efficiencies of the P.V array the pumping sub system . Where = P.V efficiency It is the ratio between operating electrical power and the incident radiation on the tilted surface of a photovoltaic module. Where: = operating electrical power of the system [w] G = global radiance on P.V array [w/ ] M = no of modules is parallel in P.V array = pumping sub system efficiency is defined as the ratio between the output hydraulic power required for lifting a volume of water and the input electrical power of subsystem. Where Q = water flow rate [m] = total dynamic head

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Crisis on the Korean Peninsula :: North Korea Economy Economics Essays

Crisis on the Korean Peninsula North Korea has been the most publicized nation in the last ten years regarding nuclear proliferation. They are often debated in the highest political circles and are considered by many in the United States the US’s greatest threat. However, many politicians and critics are divided on how to deal with North Korea, and the nuclear threat it poses to the rest of the world. In my research I stumbled upon a fascinating book entitled Crisis on the Korean Peninsula that deals precisely with this issue. The book written by, opinion leaders and foreign policy scholars Michael O’Hanlon and Mike Mochizuki, introduces an ambitious strategy that attempts to answer the nuclear problems as well as the problems within the state itself. In the book their strategy is very clear cut and attacks three core issues where they see room for improvement. Foremost, they address the nuclear weapons issue that so clouds North Korea’s present and future global status as well as northe ast Asia’s security. Additionally they argue for the reduction of conventional military forces and reconstruction of the nation’s shattered economy. Lastly, they argue for calming security assurances to North Korea’s embattled leaders, who show signs they might welcome such pledges. The three core issues covered by Mochizuki and O’Hanlon will serve as the basis of my research but will be backed by other sources that talk about the same important issues from different view points allowing a wide ranging view point. Altogether in my research of North Korea I hope to learn from the ideas of O’Hanlon, Mochizuki and others sources and have the ability to expound on the ideas of these men and women with my own. In order to cover the three main points I divided O’Hanlon’s and Mochizuki’s book into three similar sections: 1. Current situation in North Korea and world regarding nuclear weapons, 2. Confrontation capabilities, and 3. Bargaining possibilities. These sections serve as a road map ultimately conveying both the situation of nuclear proliferation in North Korea in their strongest arguments to the reader. Furthermore, as the authors follow these guidelines so will I with my research of their information. I will include in these sections ideas from other papers and authors as well as a section in which I provide some of my own analysis.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Organizational Analysis Essay -- Medical Business, Clinical Practice S

Introduction An organizational analysis is an important tool to become familiar with how medical businesses and organizations are able to meet standards of care, provide services for the community and provide employment to health care providers. There are many different aspects to evaluate in an organizational analysis. This paper will describe these many aspects and apply the categories to the University Medical Center (UMC) as the organization being analyzed. Mission, Vision and Philosophy One of the first steps in developing an organization is to develop the vision, mission and philosophy of the organization. Vision statements are used to define the goals of an organization. The mission statement of an organization is a brief statement that explains the purpose that an organization exists. The organizational philosophy outlines the set of values and beliefs that controls the operations of an organization (Marquis, 2011). UMC’s vision is â€Å"to be nationally recognized for excellence in patient care, medical education, and biomedical research.† Their mission statement is â€Å"to serve through healing, education, and discovery.† The philosophy of UMC is â€Å"to value integrity, excellence, compassion, innovation, collaboration and dedication.† ( Organizational Structure Organizational structure provides the framework to enable members of the organization to delegate responsibility, maintain accountability and structure authority. UMC utilizes organizational structure and has organizational diagrams readily available for review when necessary. The chain of command in the Neurotrauma Intensive Care Unit (NTICU) included the assistive personnel reporting to nursing, nursing reporting to team leader for the shift, sh... ... Krive, J. (January 01, 2013). Building Effective Workforce Management Practices Through Shared Governance and Technology Systems Integration. Nursing Economic$, 31, 5, 231-236. Marquis, B. & Huston, C. (2011). Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing : Theory and Application. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Pichert, J. W., Moore, I. N., Catron, T. F., Ross, J. C., Westlake, M. W., Karrass, J., Jay, J. S., ... Hickson, G. B. (October 01, 2013). An intervention model that promotes accountability: Peer messengers and patient/family complaints. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 39, 10, 435-446. Taplin, S. H., Foster, M. K., & Shortell, S. M. (January 01, 2013). Organizational leadership for building effective health care teams. Annals of Family Medicine, 11, 3.)

Friday, October 11, 2019

Surfacing-Margaret Atwood

Back at her old nature satiated homestead she begins to recall from her mind the clouded thoughts of a mime that was and the memories burled deep In her soul that will eventually surface. I believe the protagonist suffers from a combination of Inferiority complex and anxiety; and stemming from the fact that she has had several failed relationships only solidifies the belief that her Internal disorders magnify and rule her life, but she eventually comes to recognize this.Throughout the story she Intentionally looks for flaws In the people around, and uses this as an excuse for not giving herself to a relationship. She routinely correlates good & evil as a manipulative tool to ensure her isolation. She has suffered rejection, abortion, and the cold and not-so-pretty realities of the world and passes the blame to her parents for not preparing her. It began after her college Professor, a married father, paid for her abortion and left her alone in an ‘abortion house' so she could pa ss away the life of their unborn daughter.Snatched from her womb, she is haunted by the images. She wanted to conceive Joey's baby in order to replace the terminated seedling that she had destroyed. She talks in artful metaphors about that day throughout the story and I didn't fully realize the implications until after she surfaced from the bottom of the cake. As she lay there in the boat recalling the created lies and the distance she had created with her family in order to preserve her sanity I began to flip back toward the beginning correlating the vague and indirect innuendos from earlier in the story.The picturesque wedding at the post office, the daughter that never was, these were all a collage; layered memories, crafted and cleverly constructed in order to hide the ugly truth. Finally, her tattered and broken emotions are able to surface from the bottom of the lake, only to have them buried again as she receives the news of her ethers death from that liar David', and its as if the denial seed would grow new roots again, saving her from yet another brink of despair.She decides she will take the â€Å"Random Samples† of David and Joe with her and reels them out Into the lake, and In doing so I think she is freeing Anne from her life of pain with David. The mind Is a powerful place, and his was a powerful story. My only disappointment was at the end, for not knowing whether or not she and Joe reunited. Was, she really pregnant? Did she regain her sanity? I'd Like to think so†¦ Margaret Atwood tells a story In an absolutely magical way. She has such strong construction of words, blending and layering them effortlessly to construct raw emotion In the process.I'm keeping this one! Surfacing-Margaret Atwood By Marseille their two friendly antagonist acquaintances', Anne & David, have Joined her in the the remote summer lake house, situated on a private island. Back at her old nature time that was and the memories buried deep in her soul that will eventually surface. I believe the protagonist suffers from a combination of inferiority complex and only solidifies the belief that her internal disorders magnify and rule her life, but she eventually comes to recognize this.Throughout the story she intentionally looks for flaws in the people around, and uses this as an excuse for not giving herself to a relationship. She routinely correlates good & evil as a manipulative tool to ensure â€Å"Random Samples† of David and Joe with her and reels them out into the lake, and in doing so I think she is freeing Anne from her life of pain with David. The mind is a Did she regain her sanity? I'd like to think so†¦ Margaret Atwood tells a story in an layering them effortlessly to construct raw emotion in the process. I'm keeping this

Thursday, October 10, 2019

A Blind Man Makes Him See

â€Å"Cathedral† (28) is Raymond Carver’s short story about the anticipation and fulfillment of one man’s encounter with his wife’s blind friend. The man, who is also the narrator, is wary of this rendezvous, having known no blind people in his own life up to that point. His ignorance is apparent as he thinks of blind people only from a cinematic perspective. He tells us â€Å"My idea of blindness came from the movies. In the movies the blind moved slowly and never laughed† (28). From his cynical and insecure tone, we can tell that the main character is a complacent man full of self-doubt with an inability to think outside of world that he knows.The narration, however, changes unexpectedly after the blind man has been at their home for the evening. He undergoes an epiphany as the blind man opens our narrator’s eyes to an existence he did not know was possible. The main character’s insecurity is underscored by his inability to acknowled ge the significance of another man in his wife’s life, whether an ex-husband or simply an old friend. This is exemplified by the fact that he avoids mentioning the name of his wife’s ex-husband.While this may seem like a negligible factor, it would not be so important if the narrator did not make it aware that this omission of detail was entirely and defiantly intentional. He harps â€Å"Her officer—why should he have a name? He was the childhood sweetheart, and what more does he want? †(29). Additionally, during the visit he morosely sits and watches his wife and Robert, the blind man, converse hoping to hear her mention his name. â€Å"I waited in vain to hear my name on my wife’s sweet lips: â€Å"And then my dear husband came into my life† –something like that. But I heard nothing of the sort.More talk of Robert† (32). When the conversation does turn toward him, he at first cannot engage due to these insecurities and discom fort with the blind man. â€Å"From time to time, he’d turn his face toward me, put his hand under his beard, ask me something. How long I had been in my present position? (Three years. ) Did I like my work? (I didn’t. ) Was I going to stay with it? (What were the options? )† (33). Clearly our narrator is not thrilled with his life and does not care to do anything about it where as the blind man so far had a life that seemed more fulfilling in spite of his impairment.The narrator admits that Robert was â€Å"regular blind jack of all trades† (32). He also makes note of Robert’s ability to function as a normal human being – something he never realized was possible. Robert ate, drank, and smoked just like anyone else and could even tell if the TV was color or black and white. It is this attention to Robert’s ability to function that begins the narrator’s change. The narrator’s epiphany crystallizes with his attempt to desc ribe the cathedrals appearing on a late-night television program to Robert.Robert suggests that the he draw the cathedral and envelops his hand as he draws in order to physically trace the silhouettes as they are drawn. The narrator is then instructed to close his eyes and keep drawing. At that moment, the narrator shares a commonplace with the blind man as they both trace the silhouettes of the drawing without being able to see. The narrator says â€Å"It was like nothing else in my life up to now† (37). Even after told to open his eyes and look at the picture he had drawn, the narrator does not. He says â€Å"My eyes were still closed. I was in my house. I knew that.But I didn’t feel like I was inside anything† (37). At that point the narrator is released from the captivity of his ignorance and insecurity. He was not impaired by his closed eyes as he was still able to draw the cathedral and even though he was at home, it is as if the confinement of walls and b oundaries did not exist. It is at this point that he is able to see the way the blind man sees – without his eyes, with all other senses liberated. Work Cited Carver, Raymond. â€Å"Cathedral† The Norton Introduction To Literature. By Alison Booth and Kelly J. Mays. New York, 2010. 929-42. Print.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Homer Adolph Plessy v Ferguson

In 1890, the State of Louisiana passed Act 111 that required separate accommodations for African Americans and Whites on railroads, including separate railway cars, though it specified that the accommodations must be kept â€Å"equal†. On any other day in 1892, Plessy with his pale skin color could have ridden in the car restricted to white passengers without notice. He was classified â€Å"7/8 white† or octoroon according to the language of the time. Although it is often interpreted as Plessy had only one great grandmother of African descent, both of his parents are identified as free persons of color on his birth certificate. The racial categorization is based on appearance rather than genealogy. Hoping to strike down segregation laws, the Citizens' Committee of New Orleans (Comite des Citoyens) recruited Plessy to violate Louisiana's 1890 separate-car law. To pose a clear test, the Citizens' Committee gave advance notice of Plessy's intent to the railroad, which had opposed the law because it required adding more cars to its trains. On June 7, 1892, Plessy bought a first-class ticket for the commuter train that ran to Covington, sat down in the car for white riders only and the conductor asked whether he was a colored man. The committee also hired a private detective with arrest powers to take Plessy off the train at Press and Royal streets, to ensure that he was charged with violating the state's separate-car law. In his case, Homer Adolph Plessy v. The State of Louisiana, Plessy argued that the state law which required East Louisiana Railroad to segregate trains had denied him his rights under the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution. However, the judge presiding over his case, John Howard Ferguson, ruled that Louisiana had the right to regulate railroad companies as long as they operated within state boundaries. Plessy sought a writ of prohibition. The Committee of Citizens took Plessy's appeal to the Supreme Court of Louisiana, where he again found an unreceptive ear, as the state Supreme Court upheld Judge Ferguson's ruling. Undaunted, the Committee appealed to the United States Supreme Court in 1896. Two legal briefs were submitted on Plessy's behalf. One was signed by Albion W. Tourgee and James C. Walker and the other by Samuel F. Phillips and his legal partner F. D. McKenney. Oral arguments were held before the Supreme Court on April 13, 1896. Tourgee and Phillips appeared in the courtroom to speak on behalf of Plessy. It would become one of the most famous decisions in American history because, for the first time, it established that state-mandated racial segregation was protected by federal law. Arrested, tried and convicted of a violation of one of Louisiana's racial segregation laws, he appealed through Louisiana state courts to the U. S. Supreme Court, and lost. The resulting â€Å"separate-but-equal† decision against him had wide consequences for civil rights in the United States. The decision legalized state-mandated segregation anywhere in the United States, as long as the facilities provided for both blacks and whites were putatively â€Å"equal†. In a 7 to 1 decision handed down on May 18, 1896, (Justice David Josiah Brewer did not participate) the Court rejected Plessy's arguments based on the Fourteenth Amendment, seeing no way in which the Louisiana statute violated it. In addition, the majority of the Court rejected the view that the Louisiana law implied any inferiority of blacks, in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment. Instead, it contended that the law separated the two races as a matter of public policy.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Investigating the impact of Information Technology on a career Assignment

Investigating the impact of Information Technology on a career - Assignment Example Yet, IT has already affected how business is carried out in the healthcare industry. Both private and public organizations are progressively adopting IT to modernize and make the delivery of health care services and information more efficient. This leads to a greater demand for healthcare professionals to acquire more skills in the application of healthcare technologies (Miller & Sim 121). In the near future, the magnitude, scope, and pace of adoption of IT in the healthcare industry will only intensify. Developing technologies and social media will break the barrier between professional and public health information. Access to evidence-based interventions and treatments, effective transactions, and constant feedback will most probably revolutionize the usual relationship between patients and healthcare providers. It will also transform how the public or patients access, receive, and assess health information. Understanding and addressing the magnitude and effect of such changes, as well as the contribution of health IT and communication to its facilitation, will demand interdisciplinary data structures and programs (Allan & Englebright 92). These systems will be fundamental for companies/individuals to remain competitive in the future. De Leon, S. et al. The business end of health information technology: can a fully integrated electronic health record increase provider productivity in a large community practice? The Journal of Medical Practice Management, 25.6 (2010): 342-349.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Creating, Financing, and Marketing a Business Essay - 2

Creating, Financing, and Marketing a Business - Essay Example A second downfall of partnerships is that total profits are shared among the different partners of the business. Finding the right partner is imperative towards the success of a partnership. 2. Discuss funding options for small businesses. Entrepreneurs have various options to fund their business. The business structure of the company affects the alternatives of the business to raise capital. Sole proprietorship can raise capital by investing the personal wealth of the owner. The business can also obtain money by borrowing funds from the bank or other lending institution. A single owner that wants to raise more money for the business can do so by finding an equity partner. A partner can invest money in exchange for participation in the business. When a business grows the company has higher needs for capital. A business structure that is extremely effective at raising capital is public corporations. A company becomes public after undergoing an IPO process. All public companies must be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Public companies can raise money by selling common stocks in the open market. Firms have to option to sell common and preferred stocks. Common stocks have voting rights, while preferred stocks do not have voting rights but they have guaranteed dividend payments. A second way for public companies to raise money is through the sale of commercial paper. Corporations can sell bonds in the open market to raise money. 3. Determine and discuss how managerial accounting can help managers with product costing, incremental analysis, and budgeting. Unlike financial accounting which focuses on providing precise, relevant and historical accounting information to stockholders, creditors and others who are outside the organization; managerial accounting focuses on providing information to managers who directly control its day to day operations. Managerial accounting helps managers perform their three essential activities: planning, dir ecting and motivating, and controlling. To plan correctly a manager will use cost accounting information to determine all the necessary materials and resources in order to manufacture and assemble a specific product. Without the specific accounting data regarding manufacturing processes, labor costs, materials, and overhead expenditures for a product line it would be very difficult for a manager to determine the real costs of production and a fair allocation of overhead costs for a specific product or service. Managers utilize cost-volume profit analysis as one of the most important tools managerial accountants have in their arsenal. It helps managers understand the interrelationship between price or costs, volume, variable unit costs, fixed costs and how the mix of products affects the overall business. CVP information can help a manager determine which products to manufacture, product costs, pricing decisions, and which specific products and what amounts to produce to include in t he product mix. Incremental analysis can also be performed by managers which will consider only those items of revenue, costs and volume directly related to the new product or service and how the overall profitability of the firm will be affected specifically by those product changes. Without the managerial accoun

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Scientology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Scientology - Essay Example (Hubbarb, Miscavage, 2006). L. Ron Hubbarb is the founder of Scientology he defines it as"the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, others and all of life." Base on Hubbarb's book there is no indication that it may cause problem and conflict with other religions. Below are some of it's believes and principles. Scientology is not a religion who asks you to believe on something but what you observed to be true is the truth. Believers discover that Scientology works personally by applying its principles and observing or experiencing results. This paper will show some facts that religion should not be banned no matter what their principles are as long as they not affect any important matter in a person's life. The goal of the Scientology religion as stated in the book written by Hubbarb (2007) is to achieve complete certainty of one's spiritual existence, one's relationship to the Supreme Being, and his role in eternity. Scientologist aims to have "A civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where man is free to rise to greater heights." This is why the number of Scientologist increases faster because of its aims. If one religion aims for peace and prosperity how can it promote war and disparity Religions differ only on their patron but they all aim for peace and happiness. Like any religion Scientology has its own "scripture" only in the form of principles written by Hubbarb. Scientology Scripture recognizes that there is an entire dynamic (urge or motivation in life) devoted to the Supreme Being (the eighth dynamic) and another dynamic that deals solely with one's urge toward existence as a spirit (the seventh dynamic). Principles of Scientology Looking at the principles of Scientology we will be able to foresee what will happen if this religion becomes the religion of choice in the future. Below are the principles based on the book written by the founder L.Ron Hubbard. 1. The Bridge to Total Freedom - Scientology practices (called "Technology" or "Tech" in Scientology jargon) are structured in sequential levels, reflecting Hubbard's belief that rehabilitation takes place on a "gradient", that is, easier steps are taken first and only then greater complexities are handled. 2. Dianetics - One principle in scientology is solving problems using your self. In Dianetics there is only one source of all your problems, stress, unhappiness and self-doubt. It's called the reactive mind - the hidden part of your mind that stores all painful experiences and then uses them against you. 3. The ARC and KRC triangles - ARC stands for Affinity (emotional responses), Reality ( an agreement on what is real), Communication. KRC stands for Knowledge, Responsibility, and Control. Scientologists believe that improving one aspect of the triangle increases the level of the other two. ARC and KRC triangles can be found in the Scientology symbol. 4. The Dynamics - Scientology and Dianetics state that the dynamic principle of existence is to survive and that man survives across the "eight dynamics of Self, Family and Sex, Group, Humanity, the Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms, the Physical

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Website Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Website Evaluation - Essay Example The website is basically an organizational web page about Dihydrogen Monoxide Research. Tom Way has the copyrights of this website. Tom Way did his Ph.D. from the University of Delaware and currently an associate Professor of Computer Science at Villanova University. He worked in the Hollywood film industry for 10 years and now he is among the board of directors of the software and Internet services company. It should be noted that the author has been credited for undertaking freelance software engineering. He is a professional magician, filmmaker, actor, writer, and marathon runner. Through a closer look at the details of the website as recommended by Boettcher (2014) for better understanding of content and learning, it comes to understanding that the content of the website contains different researches, information, and impacts of DHMO in everyday life. DHMO is an open website that welcomes all kinds of researches done on the same subject. This website got the last update on May 26th 2014.In case for contacting the director of the website, there is The links are been highlighted in the website for the information regarding DHMO is as follows: All these websites focus on the advantages and disadvantages of DHMO and gives knowledge about its impacts on environment and life. In some websites, it has been claimed that Hydrogen Monoxide is beneficial for human life and environmentally safe while in another claim, it is stated that Dihydrogen Monoxide is a dangerous one. Collectively, this website illustrates all the information of regarding DHMO in all the major aspects of life. This web page depicts vast knowledge about the Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) that is an odorless colorless chemical compound. DHMO the basic component in a lot of many explosive as well as poisonous compound including Sulfuric acid, Nitroglycerine and Ethyl Alcohol. The aim of this website is to provide all the possible knowledge

Friday, October 4, 2019

Outraged moms, trashy daughters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Outraged moms, trashy daughters - Essay Example The author describes the generation gap between todays mothers and their teenage daughters also as a gap between how the two generations differ in terms of valuing equality and female empowerment. She also expressed her concern over "heightened sexual activity," and the "sexualization of young girls" but also mentions the lack of depth and reflection among teenagers today. The above observations are a feminist concern and in this reaction paper, I agree with the observations of the author. Feminists earlier opposed the vulgar representation of female images in magazines and advertisements because of their strong protest in visualizing females as a commercial object rather than an individual. On the other hand, current female teenagers like to see people enjoying their sexy bodies. In fact, they are doing everything possible to wear dresses, which expose their body maximum. This is not because of their inherent traits, as we all know that their mothers strongly protested against the f emale objectification, but because of the changing life styles and philosophy of life. The teenage girls are made to dress in this manner because it is the norm of the society. Female teenagers of the current generation are witnessing the enormous publicity of celebrities like Naomi Campbell, Angelina Julie, and Salma Hayek etc. They know that these people enjoy great publicity not because of their talents alone, but because of their beautiful bodies also.